Update: The sale has ended. It was valid from March 12 – March 18, 2012.
Hentzenwerke Publishing is having a major sale this week on all of their in-stock printed books.
The sale price each day is good from midnight to midnight, Central time. If you’re not sure how your local time matches up with Central, you can check it here.
This is a great chance to get your hands on the premier Visual FoxPro books available.
Here’s the price list for the weeklong sale:
Monday, March 12: $10 each
Tuesday, March 13: $11 each
Wednesday, March 14: $12 each
Thursday, March 15: $13 each
Friday, March 16: $14 each
Sat/Sun, March 17-18, $15 each
Visit www.hentzenwerke.com/catalog/zcatalog.htm for details.