Source Code – lblLabel – Subclass of Visual FoxPro Label Full source code of the lblLabel subclass of the base Visual FoxPro Label control. DEFINE CLASS lbllabel AS label AutoSize = .T. FontName = "Segoe UI Symbol" BackStyle = 0 Caption = "lblLabel" Height = 17 Width = 43 Name = "lblLabel" PROCEDURE OnClick ** Abstract method called by the Click() event ENDPROC PROCEDURE Click This.OnClick() ENDPROC PROCEDURE Init ** On my Windows 8 machine, Segoe UI is not ** available in the Properties window, so I ** had to choose Segoe UI Symbol at design- ** time. We'll do the switch to Segoe UI ** here if the user is running Vista or later, ** and Tahoma if pre-Vista. LOCAL ARRAY laFonts[1] AFONT(laFonts) IF ASCAN(laFonts,"Segoe UI") > 0 AND VAL(OS(3))>5 This.FontName = "Segoe UI" This.FontSize = 9 ELSE This.FontName = "Tahoma" This.FontSize = 8 ENDIF RELEASE laFonts ENDPROC ENDDEFINE