Shameless Self-Promotion

Next Thursday (June 21), I’ll be speaking at the Atlanta FoxPro Users Group meeting. I’ll be presenting the “Easy Multithreading with Visual FoxPro” session I did at Southwest Fox 2011.

Since I’ve done the session at Southwest Fox,  Detroit Area Fox Users Group and the Chicago FoxPro Users and Developers Group, I reckon it’s time to “retire” the session from “the road” after Atlanta.

So, in the next couple of weeks I’ll be posting the slides, code and whitepaper for the session.

If you haven’t seen the session, here’s a quick little “promotional” video for it (with tongue planted firmly in cheek).



Speaking at DAFUG and DevCon

I’ll be at the Detroit Area Fox Users Group meeting this Thursday night (February 8), talking about the Desktop Alerts. I’ve never been to Michigan, so I’m looking forward to the trip and meeting some new friends.

I jokingly told the guys at the Chicago meeting last December that Chicago was the first stop on my 2007 ‘World Tour’ (I had never been to Illinois before the Chicago trip).

In May, I’ll be presenting three sessions at Advisor DevCon in Anaheim, CA. I’ve never been to California either – see a pattern emerging here?

It’s been an amazing year, starting with the FoxForward conference last September, the trip to Chicago, and the upcoming trips. Meeting new friends, learning new stuff, and talking about Visual FoxPro.

This post originally appeared on the Foxite Weblogs site.

Heading to the Windy City

I’ll be presenting the Desktop Alerts session at the Chicago FoxPro User’s and Developers Group meeting on Tuesday, December 12, at 5:30PM (CST).

I’m looking forward to the trip and meeting the fine folks in the Windy City. I’ve never been to Chicago (or Illinois, for that matter).

I wonder if it’ll be cold up there?

This post originally appeared on the Foxite Weblogs site.